Friday, March 25, 2011

Orange County Photographer:: the Marshall Family

This recent portrait shoot of the Marshall clan was very refreshing! Their "vibe" is just so full of life I couldn't help but have a great time photographing the four of them. Also, fun fact, I am a twin, and they have twin daughters, which instantly drew me in! Being a twin myself, I love to learn about other twins I meet, see their interactions, etc. These two girlies stole my heart & were so special to photograph.

Thank you, Marshall's for your laughter, your flexibility, and your adorable kiddies! :) 

They weren't sure yet....Wait for it.....

....Hey girl, heeey!
(They knew I'm a twin too)


I love that little jewel of a drool droplet. . . Nice work Hannah. :)

See guys, having your picture taken is easy, just be natural. ;)


Seriously! Seriously, they are so SO so scrumptious. 

I love their little twinnie body language. I always wish I could remember being a baby with my twin sister. :) I really do. 



Again, Hey girl, heeeey. ;) 

Ryan, Megan, Hannah, Emma: you are a delight! Thank you, again. 


  1. DARLING!!!! Loved how you captured their personalities. Amazing photos Jess!

  2. The thing I love about your photos --- they are soaked in love!

  3. thank you Stacey & Barbara! i so appreciate the encouragement!
